Author Guidelines
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- Please click the "REGISTER" button and enter the requested information. Read the guide in the following link if you experience difficulties
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Please click the "ENTER" button, complete the required fields to submit your article to the Jurnal Madani Hukum editor. You can also track the progress of your article through the system. Read the guide in the following link if you experience difficulties
Peer Review Process and Policy
The submitted text will be reviewed by the editor and only the manuscript that meets the focus and scope as well as the style of the journal will be accepted and continued to the review process. Each text will be reviewed by at least two people.
Submission of Manuscripts Submitted
to Jurnal Madani Hukum are texts written by the author, free of plagiarism and have never been published in any journal. Before submitting the manuscript, the author must ensure that he wants to publish the manuscript to the Jurnal Madani Hukum. Withdrawals during and after the peer review process are not permitted. At the same time the author is also not allowed to send the same script to other journals. The person journal will not be legally responsible if the author violates this statement.
Writers who wish to include images, tables, or parts of text that have been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner for print and online formats and to include proof that such permission has been given when submitting their paper. Any material received without such evidence will be deemed to be from the author.
Online Submission
All texts must be submitted to the Jurnal Madani Hukum via Online Submission in the journal url portal, where the author registers as a Writer and / or offered as an online reviewer. If the author has a problem with online shipping, please contact the Editorial Office in the following email: THIS EMAIL. The manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the following writing guidelines in the MS Word article template (Download Template)
It is recommended that the writer will submit the manuscript in a personal journal to use the Mendeley reference tool.
In general, terms may not be abbreviated unless they are used repeatedly and the abbreviation helps the reader. Initially, use the full word, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Afterthat, just use the abbreviation.
Preparing for Submission of
Title: a complete and informative title must not exceed 12 words. Include the author's name, email address and affiliation.
Abstract: written in Indonesian and English. Abstract contains 1) introduction; 2) research objectives; 3) research methods or approaches (research design, subject matter, instruments, data analysis techniques); 4) research results and; 5) conclusions. Abstract is written in one paragraph, no more than 350 words.
Keywords: Maximum 3 keywords separated by semi colon
Introduction: Introduction contains background problems, previous literature studies as a basis for statements of novel articles, research problems or hypotheses and research objectives.
Method: Contains an explanation of research variables, operational definitions of variables, research design, research subjects, data collection techniques and data analysis techniques.
Results: Contains the results of descriptive statistics, assumptions test, and analysis. Tables and / or images must be meaningful and easy to understand and should be placed at the end of the text, not in the text.
Discussion: Describe the results of research and discussion supported by appropriate theories, as well as the limitations of research. To clarify the discussion, the author can use tables or images. The table number and title are written in the middle above the table while the number and title of the image are written in the middle below the image.
Conclusion: Contains conclusions and recommendations written in one paragraph. The conclusion of the study was based on the discussion and did not repeat the results of the study.
References: Compiled based on the reference Modern Humanities Research Association 3rd edition (note with bibliography)and only the literature cited in the article listed. The bibliography contains reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals and amounting to a minimum of 80% of the entire bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each article contains at least 10 (ten) references. Writing references should use Mendeley reference management applications. Examples of reference writing
Library in the form of ascientific journal
Bogaert, AF (2002). The interaction of fraternal birth order and body size in male sexual orientation. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117 (2), 381-384.
Pugh (2000) Squatter Settlements: Their Sustainability, Architectural Contribution, and Socio-economic Role, Cities Vol. 17 No. 5 pp. 325-337, Elsevier Science Ltd.
2. Library in the form of book title
Wuderman's, MW (2001). Sexuality understanding research, Singapore: Wadworth, A Division of Thomson Learning.
Rapoport, A. (2005) Culture, Architecture and Design, Locke Science Publishing Company, Inc., USA.
3. Library in the form of Seminar Proceedings of
Saraswati (2001) Towards Sustainable Cities: Encounter Problems in Third World Cities, Proceedings of the 4th Quality in Research Seminar on Urbanization in Information Age: New Perspective on the Transformation of Fast Growing Cities in the Pacific Rim (pp 165-177), Manila, ACM Press.
Accepted Articles
The journal offers Accepted Articles service for all manuscripts. This service ensures that accepted in press manuscripts are published online shortly after acceptance, prior to copy-editing or typesetting. Accepted Articles are published online a few days after final acceptance, appear in PDF format only, and are given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows them to be cited and tracked. After publication of the final version article (the article of record), the DOI remains valid and can still be used to cite and access the article.
Once the paper is typeset, the author will receive an email notification with the URL to download a PDF typeset page proof, as well as associated forms and full instructions on how to correct and return the file.
Please note that the author is responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made during the editorial process authors should check proofs carefully.
Early View
The journal offers rapid publication via Jurnal Madani Hukum Early View service. Note there may be a delay after corrections are received before the article appears online, as Editors also need to review proofs. Once the article is published on Early View, no further changes to the article are possible. The Early View article is fully citable and carries an online publication date and DOI for citations.